Top Level

Class TextSnapshot


public class TextSnapshot
extends Object

Player version: Flash Player 7 — The SWF file must be published for Flash Player 6 or later, and must be played in Flash Player 7 or later.

TextSnapshot objects let you work with static text in a movie clip. You can use TextSnapshot objects, for example, to layout text with greater precision than that allowed by dynamic text, but still access the text as read-only.

You don't use a constructor to create a TextSnapshot object; it is returned by the MovieClip.getTextSnapshot() method.

See also

Property Summary

Properties inherited from class Object
__proto__, __resolve, constructor, prototype

Method Summary
findText(startIndex:Number, textToFind:String, caseSensitive:Boolean) : Number
Searches the specified TextSnapshot object and returns the position of the first occurrence of textToFind found at or after startIndex.
getCount() : Number
Returns the number of characters in a TextSnapshot object.
getSelected(start:Number, [end:Number]) : Boolean
Returns a Boolean value that specifies whether a TextSnapshot object contains selected text in the specified range.
getSelectedText([includeLineEndings:Boolean]) : String
Returns a string that contains all the characters specified by the corresponding TextSnapshot.setSelected() method.
getText(start:Number, end:Number, [includeLineEndings:Boolean]) : String
Returns a string that contains all the characters specified by the start and end parameters.
getTextRunInfo(beginIndex:Number, endIndex:Number) : Array
Returns an array of objects that contains information about a run of text.
hitTestTextNearPos(x:Number, y:Number, [closeDist:Number]) : Number
Lets you determine which character within a TextSnapshot object is on or near the specified x, y coordinates of the movie clip containing the text in the TextSnapshot object.
setSelectColor(color:Number) : Void
Specifies the color to use when highlighting characters that were selected with the TextSnapshot.setSelected() method.
setSelected(start:Number, end:Number, select:Boolean) : Void
Specifies a range of characters in a TextSnapshot object to be selected or not.

Methods inherited from class Object
addProperty, hasOwnProperty, isPropertyEnumerable, isPrototypeOf, registerClass, toString, unwatch, valueOf, watch

Method Detail

findText Method

public findText(startIndex:Number, textToFind:String, caseSensitive:Boolean) : Number

Player version: Flash Player 7 — The SWF file must be published for Flash Player 6 or later, and must be played in Flash Player 7 or later.

Searches the specified TextSnapshot object and returns the position of the first occurrence of textToFind found at or after startIndex. If textToFind is not found, the method returns -1.

startIndex:Number — Specifies the starting index point in the TextSnapshot text at which to search for the specified text.
textToFind:String — The text to search for. Specify either a String literal (enclosed in quotation marks) or a variable.
caseSensitive:Boolean — Boolean value that specifies whether the found text must match the case of the string in textToFind (true); otherwise false.

Number — The zero-based index position of the first occurrence of the specified text, or -1 if no text matched.

The following example illustrates how to use this method. To use this code, place a static text field that contains the text "TextSnapshot Example" on the Stage.To use this code, create a static text field that contains the text "TextSnapshot Example".
var my_mc:MovieClip = this;
var my_snap:TextSnapshot = my_mc.getTextSnapshot();
var index1:Number = my_snap.findText(0, "Snap", true);
var index2:Number = my_snap.findText(0, "snap", true);
var index3:Number = my_snap.findText(0, "snap", false);
trace(index1); // 4
trace(index2); // -1
trace(index3); // 4

See also

getCount Method

public getCount() : Number

Player version: Flash Player 7 — The SWF file must be published for Flash Player 6 or later, and must be played in Flash Player 7 or later.

Returns the number of characters in a TextSnapshot object.

Number — The number of characters in the TextSnapshot object.

The following example illustrates how you can return the number of characters in a TextSnapshot object. To use this code, place one static text field that contains the text "TextSnapshot Example" (and only that text) on the Stage.To use this code, create one static text field that contains the text "TextSnapshot Example" (and only that text).
var my_mc:MovieClip = this;
var my_snap:TextSnapshot = my_mc.getTextSnapshot();
var count:Number = my_snap.getCount();
var theText:String = my_snap.getText(0, count, false);
trace(count); // 20
trace(theText); // TextSnapshot Example

See also

getSelected Method

public getSelected(start:Number, [end:Number]) : Boolean

Player version: Flash Player 7 — The SWF file must be published for Flash Player 6 or later, and must be played in Flash Player 7 or later.

Returns a Boolean value that specifies whether a TextSnapshot object contains selected text in the specified range.

To search all characters, pass a value of 0 for start, and TextSnapshot.getCount() (or any very large number) for end. To search a single character, pass the end parameter a value that is one greater than the start parameter.

start:Number — The index position of the first character to be examined. Valid values for start are 0 through TextSnapshot.getCount() - 1. If start is a negative value, 0 is used.
end:Number [optional] — The index position that is one greater than the last character to be examined. Valid values for end are 0 through TextSnapshot.getCount(). The character indexed by the end parameter is not included in the extracted string. If you omit this parameter, TextSnapshot.getCount() is used. If the value of end is less than or equal to the value of start, start + 1 is used.

Boolean — A Boolean value that indicates whether at least one character in the given range has been selected by the corresponding TextSnapshot.setSelected() method (true); otherwise, false.

The following example illustrates how to use this method. To use this code, place a static text field that contains the text "TextSnapshot Example" on the Stage.To use this code, create a static text field that contains the text "TextSnapshot Example". In the library, include the font used by the static text field, and in Linkage options for the font, select Export for ActionScript. Add the following ActionScript to Frame 1 of the Timeline:
var my_snap:TextSnapshot = this.getTextSnapshot();
var count:Number = my_snap.getCount();
my_snap.setSelected(0, 4, true); 
my_snap.setSelected(1, 2, false); 

var firstCharIsSelected:Boolean = my_snap.getSelected(0, 1);
var secondCharIsSelected:Boolean = my_snap.getSelected(1, 2);
trace(firstCharIsSelected); // true
trace(secondCharIsSelected); // false

See also
TextSnapshot.getCount(), TextSnapshot.getText(), TextSnapshot.getSelectedText(), TextSnapshot.setSelected()

getSelectedText Method

public getSelectedText([includeLineEndings:Boolean]) : String

Player version: Flash Player 7 — The SWF file must be published for Flash Player 6 or later, and must be played in Flash Player 7 or later.

Returns a string that contains all the characters specified by the corresponding TextSnapshot.setSelected() method. If no characters are specified (by the TextSnapshot.setSelected() method), an empty string is returned.

If you pass true for includeLineEndings, newline characters are inserted in the return string, and the return string might be longer than the input range. If includeLineEndings is false or omitted, the method returns the selected text without adding any characters.

includeLineEndings:Boolean [optional] — A Boolean value that specifies whether newline characters are inserted (true) or are not inserted (false) into the returned string. The default value is false.

String — A string that contains all the characters specified by the corresponding TextSnapshot.setSelected() method.

The following example illustrates how to use this method. To use this code, place a static text field that contains the text "TextSnapshot Example" on the Stage.To use this code, create a static text field that contains the text "TextSnapshot Example". Then in the Library, include the font used by the static text field, and in Linkage options for the font, select Export for ActionScript. Add the following ActionScript to Frame 1 of the Timeline:
var my_snap:TextSnapshot = this.getTextSnapshot();
var count:Number = my_snap.getCount();
my_snap.setSelected(0, 4, true); 
my_snap.setSelected(1, 2, false); 

var theText:String = my_snap.getSelectedText(false); 
trace(theText); // Text

When you test the SWF file, a colored rectangle surrounds the specified characters.

See also
TextSnapshot.getSelected(), TextSnapshot.setSelected()

getText Method

public getText(start:Number, end:Number, [includeLineEndings:Boolean]) : String

Player version: Flash Player 7 — The SWF file must be published for Flash Player 6 or later, and must be played in Flash Player 7 or later.

Returns a string that contains all the characters specified by the start and end parameters. If no characters are specified, the method returns an empty string.

To return all characters, pass a value of 0 for start, and TextSnapshot.getCount() (or any very large number) for end. To return a single character, pass a value of start +1 for end.

If you pass true for includeLineEndings, newline characters are inserted in the return string where deemed appropriate, and the return string might be longer than the input range. If includeLineEndings is false or omitted, the method returns the selected text without adding any characters.

start:Number — An integer that indicates the position of the first character to be included in the returned string. Valid values for start are 0 through TextSnapshot.getCount() - 1. If start is a negative value, 0 is used.
end:Number — An integer that is 1 + the index of the last character to be examined in the TextSnapshot object. Valid values for end are 0 through TextSnapshot.getCount(). The character indexed by the end parameter is not included in the extracted string. If you omit this parameter, TextSnapshot.getCount() is used. If the value of end is less than or equal to the value of start, start + 1 is used.
includeLineEndings:Boolean [optional] — A Boolean value that specifies whether newline characters are inserted (true) or are not inserted (false) into the returned string. The default value is false.

String — A string that contains the characters in the specified range, or an empty string if no characters are found in the specified range.

The following example illustrates how you can return the number of characters in a specified TextSnapshot object. To use this code, place a static text field that contains the text "TextSnapshot Example" on the Stage.To use this code, create a static text field that contains the text "TextSnapshot Example".
var my_mc:MovieClip = this;
var my_snap:TextSnapshot = my_mc.getTextSnapshot();
var count:Number = my_snap.getCount();
var theText:String = my_snap.getText(0, count, false);
trace(count); // 20
trace(theText); // TextSnapshot Example

See also
TextSnapshot.getCount(), TextSnapshot.getSelectedText()

getTextRunInfo Method

public getTextRunInfo(beginIndex:Number, endIndex:Number) : Array

Player version: Flash Player 7 — The SWF file must be published for Flash Player 6 or later, and must be played in Flash Player 7r19 or later.

Returns an array of objects that contains information about a run of text. Each object corresponds to one character in the range of characters specified by the two method parameters.

Note: Using the getTextRunInfo() method for a large range of text can return a large object. Macromedia recommends limiting the text range defined by the beginIndex and endIndex parameters.

beginIndex:Number — The index value of the first character in the range of characters.
endIndex:Number — The index value of the last character in the range of characters.

Array — An array of objects in which each object contains information about a specific character in the specified range. Each object contains the following properties:
  • indexInRun—A zero-based integer index of the character (relative to the entire string rather than the selected run of text).
  • selected—A Boolean value that indicates whether the character is selected true; false otherwise.
  • font—The name of the character's font.
  • color—The combined alpha and color value of the character. The first two hexidecimal digits represent the alpha value, and the remaining digits represent the color value. (The example includes a method for converting decimal values to hexidecimal values.)
  • height—The height of the character, in pixels.
  • matrix_a, matrix_b, matrix_c, matrix_d, matrix_tx, and matrix_ty— The values of a matrix that define the geometric transformation on the character. Normal, upright text always has a matrix of the form [1 0 0 1 x y], where x and y are the position of the character within the parent movie clip, regardless of the height of the text. The matrix is in the parent movie clip coordinate system, and does not include any transformations that may be on that movie clip itself (or its parent).
  • corner0x, corner0y, corner1x, corner1y, corner2x, corner2y, corner3x, and corner3y—The corners of the bounding box of the character, based on the coordinate system of the parent movie clip. These values are only available if the font used by the character is embedded in the SWF file.

The following example illustrates how to use this method. To use this code, on the Stage create a static text field that contains the text "AB". Rotate the text field by 45 degrees, and set the second character to be superscript with a color of 0xFFFFFF with a 50% alpha, as the following figure shows:

The following script lists the getTextRunInfo() properties of each character in the text field:

var myTS:TextSnapshot = this.getTextSnapshot();
var myArray:Array = myTS["getTextRunInfo"](0, myTS.getCount());
for (var i = 0; i < myTS.getCount(); i++) {
    trace("indexInRun: " + myArray[i].indexInRun);
    trace("selected: " + myArray[i].selected);
    trace("font: " + myArray[i].font);
    trace("color: " + decToHex(myArray[i].color));
    trace("height: " + myArray[i].height);
    trace("matrix_a: " + myArray[i].matrix_a);
    trace("matrix_b: " + myArray[i].matrix_b);
    trace("matrix_c: " + myArray[i].matrix_c);
    trace("matrix_d: " + myArray[i].matrix_d);
    trace("matrix_ty: " + myArray[i].matrix_tx);
    trace("matrix_tx: " + myArray[i].matrix_ty);
    trace(" ");

function decToHex(dec:Number) {
    var hexString:String = "";
    if (dec > 15) {
        hexString = decToHex(Math.floor(dec / 16));
    var hexDigit = dec - 16 * (Math.floor(dec / 16)); 
        if (hexDigit > 9) {
            hexDigit = String.fromCharCode(hexDigit + 55);
        hexString = hexString + hexDigit;
        return hexString;

This creates the following output:

indexInRun: 0
selected: false
font: Times New Roman
color: FF000000
height: 28.6
matrix_a: 0.0316612236983293
matrix_b: 0.0385940558426864
matrix_c: -0.0385940558426864
matrix_d: 0.0316612236983293
matrix_ty: 22.75
matrix_tx: 40.35
indexInRun: 0
selected: false
font: Times New Roman
color: 80000000
height: 28.6
matrix_a: 0.0316612236983293
matrix_b: 0.0385940558426864
matrix_c: -0.0385940558426864
matrix_d: 0.0316612236983293
matrix_ty: 49
matrix_tx: 45.5

This example uses a decToHex() method to convert the decimal value of the color property to a hexidecimal value.

See also

hitTestTextNearPos Method

public hitTestTextNearPos(x:Number, y:Number, [closeDist:Number]) : Number

Player version: Flash Player 7 — The SWF file must be published for Flash Player 6 or later, and must be played in Flash Player 7 or later.

Lets you determine which character within a TextSnapshot object is on or near the specified x, y coordinates of the movie clip containing the text in the TextSnapshot object.

If you omit or pass a value of 0 for closeDist, the location specified by the x, y coordinates must lie inside the bounding box of the TextSnapshot object.

This method works correctly only with fonts that include character metric information; however, by default, Macromedia Flash does not include this information for static text fields. Therefore, the method might return -1 instead of an index value. To ensure that an index value is returned, you can force the Flash authoring tool to include the character metric information for a font. To do this, add a dynamic text field that uses that font, select Character Options for that dynamic text field, and then specify that font outlines should be embedded for at least one character. (It doesn't matter which characters you specify, nor whether they are the characters used in the static text fields.)

x:Number — The x coordinate of the movie clip that contains the text in the TextSnapshot object.
y:Number — The y coordinate of the movie clip that contains the text in the TextSnapshot object.
closeDist:Number [optional] — The maximum distance from x, y that can be searched for text. The distance is measured from the centerpoint of each character. The default value is 0.

Number — The index value of the character in the TextSnapshot object that is nearest to the specified x, y coordinate. The method returns -1 if no character is found, or if the font doesn't contain character metric information.

The following example illustrates how to use this method. To use this code, place a static text field that contains the text "TextSnapshot Example" on the Stage. In the library, include the font used by the static text field, and in Linkage options for the font, select Export for ActionScript. To test the code, run the SWF file and point the mouse pointer to the onscreen text.
var my_ts:TextSnapshot = getTextSnapshot();
this.onMouseMove = function() {
    var hitIndex:Number = my_ts.hitTestTextNearPos(_xmouse, _ymouse, 0);
    my_ts.setSelected(0, my_ts.getCount(), false);
    if (hitIndex >= 0) {
        my_ts.setSelected(hitIndex, hitIndex + 1, true);

See also
MovieClip.getTextSnapshot(), MovieClip._x, MovieClip._y

setSelectColor Method

public setSelectColor(color:Number) : Void

Player version: Flash Player 7 — The SWF file must be published for Flash Player 6 or later, and must be played in Flash Player 7 or later.

Specifies the color to use when highlighting characters that were selected with the TextSnapshot.setSelected() method. The color is always opaque; you can't specify a transparency value.

This method works correctly only with fonts that include character metric information; however, by default, Macromedia Flash does not include this information for static text fields. Therefore, the method might return -1 instead of an index value. To ensure that an index value is returned, you can force the Flash authoring tool to include the character metric information for a font. To do this, add a dynamic text field that uses that font, select Character Options for that dynamic text field, and then specify that font outlines should be embedded for at least one character. (It doesn't matter which characters you specify, nor if they are the characters used in the static text fields.)

color:Number — The color used for the border placed around characters that have been selected by the corresponding TextSnapshot.setSelected() method, expressed in 0xRRGGBB format.

The following example illustrates how to use this method. To use this code, place a static text field that contains the text "TextSnapshot Example" on the Stage.To use this code, create a static text field that contains the text "TextSnapshot Example". In the library, include the font used by the static text field, and in Linkage options for the font, select Export for ActionScript. Add the following ActionScript to Frame 1 of the Timeline:
var my_snap:TextSnapshot = this.getTextSnapshot();
var count:Number = my_snap.getCount();
my_snap.setSelected(0, 4, true); 
my_snap.setSelected(1, 2, false); 

var theText:String = my_snap.getSelectedText(false); // get the selected text
trace(theText); // Text

When you test the SWF file, you see a colored rectangle surrounds the specified characters.

See also

setSelected Method

public setSelected(start:Number, end:Number, select:Boolean) : Void

Player version: Flash Player 7 — The SWF file must be published for Flash Player 6 or later, and must be played in Flash Player 7 or later.

Specifies a range of characters in a TextSnapshot object to be selected or not. Characters that are selected are drawn with a colored rectangle behind them, matching the bounding box of the character. The color of the bounding box is defined by TextSnapshot.setSelectColor().

To select or deselect all characters, pass a value of 0 for start and TextSnapshot.getCount() (or any very large number) for end. To specify a single character, pass a value of start + 1 for end.

Because characters are individually marked as selected, you can call this method multiple times to select multiple characters; that is, using this method does not deselect other characters that have been set by this method.

This method works correctly only with fonts that include character metric information; by default, Flash does not include this information for static text fields. Therefore, text that is selected might not appear to be selected onscreen. To ensure that all selected text appears to be selected, you can force the Flash authoring tool to include the character metric information for a font. To do this, in the library, include the font used by the static text field, and in Linkage options for the font, select Export for ActionScript.

start:Number — The position of the first character to select. Valid values for start are 0 through TextSnapshot.getCount() - 1. If start is a negative value, 0 is used.
end:Number — An integer that is 1+ the index of the last character to be examined. Valid values for end are 0 through TextSnapshot.getCount(). The character indexed by the end parameter is not included in the extracted string. If you omit this parameter, TextSnapshot.getCount() is used. If the value of end is less than or equal to the value of start, start + 1 is used.
select:Boolean — A Boolean value that specifies whether the text should be selected (true) or not (false).

The following example illustrates how to use this method. To use this code, place a static text field that contains the text "TextSnapshot Example" on the Stage.To use this code, create a static text field that contains the text "TextSnapshot Example". In the library, include the font used by the static text field, and in Linkage options for the font, select Export for ActionScript. Add the following ActionScript to Frame 1 of the Timssseline:
var my_snap:TextSnapshot = this.getTextSnapshot();
var count:Number = my_snap.getCount();
my_snap.setSelected(0, 4, true); 
my_snap.setSelected(1, 2, false); 

var theText:String = my_snap.getSelectedText(false); 
trace(theText); // Text

See also