Symbols A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z |
valueOf() — Method in class Boolean |
| Returns true if the primitive value type of the specified Boolean object is true; false otherwise. |
valueOf() — Method in class Date |
| Returns the number of milliseconds since midnight January 1, 1970, universal time, for this Date . |
valueOf() — Method in class Number |
| Returns the primitive value type of the specified Number object. |
valueOf() — Method in class Object |
| Returns the primitive value of the specified object. |
valueOf() — Method in class String |
| Returns the primitive value of a String instance. |
var — Statement |
| Used to declare local or Timeline variables. |
variable — Property in class TextField |
| The name of the variable that the text field is associated with. |
version — Static property in class System.capabilities |
| A string containing the Flash Player platform and version information (for example, "WIN 8,0,0,0" ). |
Video — Class in Top Level |
| The Video class enables you to display live streaming video on the Stage without embedding it in your SWF file. |
_visible — Property in class Button |
| A Boolean value that indicates whether the button specified by my_btn is visible. |
visible — Property in class ContextMenuItem |
| A Boolean value that indicates whether the specified menu item is visible when the Flash Player context menu is displayed. |
_visible — Property in class MovieClip |
| A Boolean value that indicates whether the movie clip is visible. |
_visible — Property in class TextField |
| A Boolean value that indicates whether the text field my_txt is visible. |
_visible — Property in class Video |
| Indicates whether the Video object specified by my_video is visible. |
void — Operator |
| The void operator evaluates an expression and then discards its value, returning undefined |