Symbols  A  B  C  D  E  F  G  H  I  J  K  L  M  N  O  P  Q  R  S  T  U  V  W  X  Y  Z  
_name — Property in class Button
Instance name of the button specified by my_btn.
name — Property in class Camera
A string that specifies the name of the current camera, as returned by the camera hardware.
name — Property in class Error
Contains the name of the Error object.
name — Property in class Microphone
A string that specifies the name of the current sound capture device, as returned by the sound capture hardware.
_name — Property in class MovieClip
The instance name of the movie clip.
_name — Property in class TextField
The instance name of the text field.
_name — Property in class Video
Indicates the instance name of the Video object specified.
name — Property in class
The name of the file on the local disk.
names — Static property in class Camera
Retrieves an array of strings reflecting the names of all available cameras without displaying the Flash Player Privacy Settings panel.
names — Static property in class Microphone
Retrieves an array of strings reflecting the names of all available sound capture devices without displaying the Flash Player Privacy Settings panel.
namespaceURI — Property in class XMLNode
If the XML node has a prefix, namespaceURI is the value of the xmlns declaration for that prefix (the URI), which is typically called the namespace URI.
NaN — Constant property
A predefined variable with the IEEE-754 value for NaN (not a number).
NaN — Static property in class Number
The IEEE-754 value representing Not A Number (NaN).
NEGATIVE_INFINITY — Static property in class Number
Specifies the IEEE-754 value representing negative infinity.
ne (not equal (strings)) — Operator
Deprecated since Flash Player 5 — This operator was deprecated in favor of the != (inequality) operator.
NetConnection — Dynamic class in Top Level
The NetConnection class provides the means to play back streaming FLV files from a local drive or HTTP address.
NetConnection() — Constructor in class NetConnection
Creates a NetConnection object that you can use in conjunction with a NetStream object to play back local streaming video (FLV) files.
NetStream — Dynamic class in Top Level
The NetStream class provides methods and properties for playing Flash Video (FLV) files from the local file system or an HTTP address.
NetStream(connection:NetConnection) — Constructor in class NetStream
Creates a stream that can be used for playing FLV files through the specified NetConnection object.
new — Operator
Creates a new, initially anonymous, object and calls the function identified by the constructor parameter.
newline — Constant property
Inserts a carriage return character (\r) that generates a blank line in text output generated by your code.
nextFrame() — Global function
Sends the playhead to the next frame.
nextFrame() — Method in class MovieClip
Sends the playhead to the next frame and stops it.
nextScene() — Global function
Sends the playhead to Frame 1 of the next scene.
nextSibling — Property in class XMLNode
An XMLNode value that references the next sibling in the parent node's child list.
nodeName — Property in class XMLNode
A string representing the node name of the XML object.
nodeType — Property in class XMLNode
A nodeType value, either 1 for an XML element or 3 for a text node.
nodeValue — Property in class XMLNode
The node value of the XML object.
noise(randomSeed:Number, [low:Number], [high:Number], [channelOptions:Number], [grayScale:Boolean]) — Method in class flash.display.BitmapData
Fills an image with pixels representing random noise.
normalize(length:Number) — Method in class flash.geom.Point
Scales the line segment between (0,0) and the current point to a set length.
not (logical NOT) — Operator
Deprecated since Flash Player 5 — This operator was deprecated in favor of the ! (logical NOT) operator.
null — Constant property
A special value that can be assigned to variables or returned by a function if no data was provided.
Number — Class in Top Level
The Number class is a simple wrapper object for the Number data type.
Number(expression:Object) — Global function
Converts the parameter expression to a number.
Number(num:Object) — Constructor in class Number
Creates a new Number object.
NUMERIC — Constant static property in class Array
In the sorting methods, this constant specifies numeric (instead of character-string) sorting.