Symbols A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z |
pageHeight — Property in class PrintJob |
| The height of the actual printable area on the page, in points. |
pageWidth — Property in class PrintJob |
| The width of the actual printable area on the page, in points. |
paletteMap(sourceBitmap:BitmapData, sourceRect:Rectangle, destPoint:Point, [redArray:Array], [greenArray:Array], [blueArray:Array], [alphaArray:Array]) — Method in class flash.display.BitmapData |
| Remaps the color channel values in an image that has up to four arrays of color palette data, one for each channel. |
paperHeight — Property in class PrintJob |
| The overall paper height, in points. |
paperWidth — Property in class PrintJob |
| The overall paper width, in points. |
_parent — Property in class Button |
| A reference to the movie clip or object that contains the current movie clip or object. |
_parent — Global property |
| Specifies or returns a reference to the movie clip or object that contains the current movie clip or object. |
_parent — Property in class MovieClip |
| A reference to the movie clip or object that contains the current movie clip or object. |
_parent — Property in class TextField |
| A reference to the movie clip or object that contains the current text field or object. |
_parent — Property in class Video |
| Indicates the movie clip or object that contains the current Video object. |
parentNode — Property in class XMLNode |
| An XMLNode value that references the parent node of the specified XML object, or returns null if the node has no parent. |
parseCSS(cssText:String) — Method in class TextField.StyleSheet |
| Parses the CSS in cssText and loads the StyleSheet with it. |
parseFloat(string:String) — Global function |
| Converts a string to a floating-point number. |
parseInt(expression:String, [radix:Number]) — Global function |
| Converts a string to an integer. |
parseXML(value:String) — Method in class XML |
| Parses the XML text specified in the value parameter, and populates the specified XML object with the resulting XML tree. |
password — Property in class TextField |
| Specifies whether the text field is a password text field. |
pause([flag:Boolean]) — Method in class NetStream |
| Pauses or resumes playback of a stream. |
perlinNoise(baseX:Number, baseY:Number, numOctaves:Number, randomSeed:Number, stitch:Boolean, fractalNoise:Boolean, [channelOptions:Number], [grayScale:Boolean], [offsets:Object]) — Method in class flash.display.BitmapData |
| Generates a Perlin noise image. |
PGDN — Constant static property in class Key |
| The key code value for the Page Down key (34). |
PGUP — Constant static property in class Key |
| The key code value for the Page Up key (33). |
PI — Constant static property in class Math |
| A mathematical constant for the ratio of the circumference of a circle to its diameter, expressed as pi, with a value of 3.141592653589793. |
pixelAspectRatio — Static property in class System.capabilities |
| An integer that indicates the pixel aspect ratio of the screen. |
pixelBounds — Property in class flash.geom.Transform |
| A Rectangle object that defines the bounding rectangle of the MovieClip object on the Stage. |
pixelDissolve(sourceBitmap:BitmapData, sourceRect:Rectangle, destPoint:Point, [randomSeed:Number], [numberOfPixels:Number], [fillColor:Number]) — Method in class flash.display.BitmapData |
| Performs a pixel dissolve either from a source image to a destination image or by using the same image. |
play() — Global function |
| Moves the playhead forward in the Timeline. |
play() — Method in class MovieClip |
| Moves the playhead in the timeline of the movie clip. |
play(name:Object, start:Number, len:Number, reset:Object) — Method in class NetStream |
| Begins playback of an external video (FLV) file. |
playerType — Static property in class System.capabilities |
| A string that indicates the type of player. |
Point — Class in package flash.geom |
| The Point class represents a location in a two-dimensional coordinate system, where x represents the horizontal axis and y represents the vertical axis. |
Point(x:Number, y:Number) — Constructor in class flash.geom.Point |
| Creates a new point. |
polar(len:Number, angle:Number) — Static method in class flash.geom.Point |
| Converts a pair of polar coordinates to a Cartesian point coordinate. |
pop() — Method in class Array |
| Removes the last element from an array and returns the value of that element. |
position — Property in class Sound |
| The number of milliseconds a sound has been playing. |
POSITIVE_INFINITY — Static property in class Number |
| Specifies the IEEE-754 value representing positive infinity. |
pow(x:Number, y:Number) — Static method in class Math |
| Computes and returns x to the power of y . |
prefix — Property in class XMLNode |
| The prefix portion of the XML node name. |
preserveAlpha — Property in class flash.filters.ConvolutionFilter |
| Indicates what the convolution applies to. |
prevFrame() — Global function |
| Sends the playhead to the previous frame. |
prevFrame() — Method in class MovieClip |
| Sends the playhead to the previous frame and stops it. |
previousSibling — Property in class XMLNode |
| An XMLNode value that references the previous sibling in the parent node's child list. |
prevScene() — Global function |
| Sends the playhead to Frame 1 of the previous scene. |
print(target:Object, boundingBox:String) — Global function |
| Prints the target movie clip according to the boundaries specified in the parameter (bmovie , bmax , or bframe ). |
printAsBitmap(target:Object, boundingBox:String) — Global function |
| Prints the target movie clip as a bitmap according to the boundaries specified in the parameter (bmovie , bmax , or bframe ). |
printAsBitmapNum(level:Number, boundingBox:String) — Global function |
| Prints a level in Flash Player as a bitmap according to the boundaries specified in the parameter (bmovie , bmax , or bframe ). |
PrintJob — Class in Top Level |
| The PrintJob class lets you create content and print it to one or more pages. |
PrintJob() — Constructor in class PrintJob |
| Creates a PrintJob object that you can use to print one or more pages. |
printNum(level:Number, boundingBox:String) — Global function |
| Prints the level in Flash Player according to the boundaries specified in the boundingBox parameter (bmovie , bmax , bframe ). |
private — Statement |
| Specifies that a variable or function is available only to the class that declares or defines it or to subclasses of that class. |
__proto__ — Property in class Object |
| Refers to the prototype property of the class (ActionScript 2.0) or constructor function (ActionScript 1.0) used to create the object. |
prototype — Static property in class Object |
| A reference to the superclass of a class or function object. |
public — Statement |
| Specifies that a variable or function is available to any caller. |
push(value:Object) — Method in class Array |
| Adds one or more elements to the end of an array and returns the new length of the array. |