Symbols  A  B  C  D  E  F  G  H  I  J  K  L  M  N  O  P  Q  R  S  T  U  V  W  X  Y  Z  
c — Property in class flash.geom.Matrix
The value in the second row and first column of the Matrix object, which affects the positioning of pixels along the x axis when rotating or skewing an image.
cacheAsBitmap — Property in class Button
If set to true, Flash Player caches an internal bitmap representation of the button.
cacheAsBitmap — Property in class MovieClip
If set to true, Flash Player caches an internal bitmap representation of the movie clip.
call(thisObject:Object, [parameter1:Object]) — Method in class Function
Invokes the function represented by a Function object.
call(frame:Object) — Global function
Deprecated since Flash Player 5 — This action was deprecated in favor of the function statement.
call(methodName:String, [parameter1:Object]) — Static method in class flash.external.ExternalInterface
Calls a function exposed by the Flash Player container, passing 0 or more arguments.
callee — Property in class arguments
A reference to the currently executing function.
caller — Property in class arguments
A reference to the function that called the currently executing function, or null if it wasn't called from another function.
Camera — Class in Top Level
The Camera class is primarily for use with Macromedia Flash Communication Server, but can be used in a limited way without the server.
cancel() — Static method in class XMLUI
Makes the current XMLUI dialog exit with a "cancel" state.
cancel() — Method in class
Cancels any ongoing upload or download operation on this FileReference object.
capabilities — Class in package System
The Capabilities class determines the abilities of the system and player hosting a SWF file, which lets you tailor content for different formats.
CAPSLOCK — Constant static property in class Key
The key code value for the Caps Lock key (20).
caption — Property in class ContextMenuItem
A string that specifies the menu item caption (text) displayed in the context menu.
case — Statement
Defines a condition for the switch statement.
CASEINSENSITIVE — Constant static property in class Array
In the sorting methods, this constant specifies case-insensitive sorting.
ceil(x:Number) — Static method in class Math
Returns the ceiling of the specified number or expression.
charAt(index:Number) — Method in class String
Returns the character in the position specified by the parameter index.
charCodeAt(index:Number) — Method in class String
Returns a 16-bit integer from 0 to 65535 that represents the character specified by index.
checkXMLStatus() — Static method in class mx.lang.Locale
Returns true if the XML file is loaded; false otherwise.
childNodes — Property in class XMLNode
An array of the specified XML object's children.
CHINESE — Constant static property in class System.IME
A string with the value "CHINESE" for use with setConversionMode() and getConversionMode().
chr(number:Number) — Global function
Deprecated since Flash Player 5 — This function was deprecated in favor of String.fromCharCode().
clamp — Property in class flash.filters.ConvolutionFilter
Indicates whether the image should be clamped.
class — Statement
Defines a custom class, which lets you instantiate objects that share methods and properties that you define.
clear() — Method in class MovieClip
Removes all the graphics created during runtime by using the movie clip draw methods, including line styles specified with MovieClip.lineStyle().
clear() — Method in class SharedObject
Purges all the data from the shared object and deletes the shared object from the disk.
clear() — Method in class Video
Clears the image currently displayed in the Video object.
clear() — Method in class TextField.StyleSheet
Removes all styles from the specified StyleSheet object.
clearInterval(intervalID:Number) — Global function
Stops the setInterval() call.
clearTimeout(id:Number) — Global function
Cancels a specified setTimeout() call.
clone() — Method in class flash.display.BitmapData
Returns a new BitmapData object that is a clone of the original instance with an exact copy of the contained bitmap.
clone() — Method in class flash.filters.BevelFilter
Returns a copy of this filter object.
clone() — Method in class flash.filters.BitmapFilter
Returns a BitmapFilter object that is an exact copy of the original BitmapFilter object.
clone() — Method in class flash.filters.BlurFilter
Returns a copy of this filter object.
clone() — Method in class flash.filters.ColorMatrixFilter
Returns a copy of this filter object.
clone() — Method in class flash.filters.ConvolutionFilter
Returns a copy of this filter object.
clone() — Method in class flash.filters.DisplacementMapFilter
Returns a copy of this filter object.
clone() — Method in class flash.filters.DropShadowFilter
Returns a copy of this filter object.
clone() — Method in class flash.filters.GlowFilter
Returns a copy of this filter object.
clone() — Method in class flash.filters.GradientBevelFilter
Returns a copy of this filter object.
clone() — Method in class flash.filters.GradientGlowFilter
Returns a copy of this filter object.
clone() — Method in class flash.geom.Matrix
Returns a new Matrix object that is a clone of this matrix, with an exact copy of the contained object.
clone() — Method in class flash.geom.Point
Creates a copy of this Point object.
clone() — Method in class flash.geom.Rectangle
Returns a new Rectangle object with the same values for the x, y, width, and height properties as the original Rectangle object.
cloneNode(deep:Boolean) — Method in class XMLNode
Constructs and returns a new XML node of the same type, name, value, and attributes as the specified XML object.
close() — Method in class LocalConnection
Closes (disconnects) a LocalConnection object.
close() — Method in class NetStream
Stops playing all data on the stream, sets the NetStream.time property to 0, and makes the stream available for another use.
close() — Method in class XMLSocket
Closes the connection specified by XMLSocket object.
color — Property in class TextFormat
Indicates the color of text.
color — Property in class flash.filters.ConvolutionFilter
The hexadecimal color to substitute for pixels that are off the source image.
color — Property in class flash.filters.DisplacementMapFilter
Specifies what color to use for out-of-bounds displacements.
color — Property in class flash.filters.DropShadowFilter
The color of the shadow.
color — Property in class flash.filters.GlowFilter
The color of the glow.
Color — Class in Top Level
Deprecated since Flash Player 8 — The Color class has been deprecated in favor of the flash.geom.ColorTransform class.
Color(target:Object) — Constructor in class Color
Deprecated. The Color class is deprecated as of Flash Player 8.
ColorMatrixFilter — Class in package flash.filters
The ColorMatrixFilter class lets you apply a 4 x 5 matrix transformation on the RGBA color and alpha values of every pixel on the input image to produce a result with a new set of RGBA color and alpha values.
ColorMatrixFilter(matrix:Array) — Constructor in class flash.filters.ColorMatrixFilter
Initializes a new ColorMatrixFilter instance with the specified parameters.
colors — Property in class flash.filters.GradientBevelFilter
An array of RGB hexadecimal color values to use in the gradient.
colors — Property in class flash.filters.GradientGlowFilter
An array of colors that defines a gradient.
colorTransform(rect:Rectangle, colorTransform:ColorTransform) — Method in class flash.display.BitmapData
Adjusts the color values in a specified area of a bitmap image by using a ColorTransform object.
colorTransform — Property in class flash.geom.Transform
A ColorTransform object containing values that universally adjust the colors in the movie clip.
ColorTransform — Class in package flash.geom
The ColorTransform class lets you mathematically adjust all of the color values in a movie clip.
ColorTransform([redMultiplier:Number], [greenMultiplier:Number], [blueMultiplier:Number], [alphaMultiplier:Number], [redOffset:Number], [greenOffset:Number], [blueOffset:Number], [alphaOffset:Number]) — Constructor in class flash.geom.ColorTransform
Creates a ColorTransform object for a display object with the specified color channel values and alpha values.
componentX — Property in class flash.filters.DisplacementMapFilter
Describes which color channel to use in the map image to displace the x result.
componentY — Property in class flash.filters.DisplacementMapFilter
Describes which color channel to use in the map image to displace the y result.
concat([value:Object]) — Method in class Array
Concatenates the elements specified in the parameters with the elements in an array and creates a new array.
concat(value:Object) — Method in class String
Combines the value of the String object with the parameters and returns the newly formed string; the original value, my_str, is unchanged.
concat(second:ColorTransform) — Method in class flash.geom.ColorTransform
Applies a second, additive color transformation to the movie clip.
concat(m:Matrix) — Method in class flash.geom.Matrix
Concatenates a matrix with the current matrix, effectively combining the geometric effects of the two.
concatenatedColorTransform — Property in class flash.geom.Transform
A ColorTransform object representing the combined color transformations applied to this object and all of its parent objects, back to the root level.
concatenatedMatrix — Property in class flash.geom.Transform
A Matrix object representing the combined transformation matrixes of this object and all of its parent objects, back to the root level.
condenseWhite — Property in class TextField
A Boolean value that specifies whether extra white space (spaces, line breaks, and so on) in an HTML text field should be removed when the field is rendered in a browser.
connect(connectionName:String) — Method in class LocalConnection
Prepares a LocalConnection object to receive commands from a LocalConnection.send() command (called the sending LocalConnection object).
connect(targetURI:String) — Method in class NetConnection
Opens a local connection through which you can play back video (FLV) files from an HTTP address or from the local file system.
connect(url:String, port:Number) — Method in class XMLSocket
Establishes a connection to the specified Internet host using the specified TCP port (must be 1024 or higher), and returns true or false, depending on whether a connection is successfully established.
constructor — Property in class Object
Reference to the constructor function for a given object instance.
contains(x:Number, y:Number) — Method in class flash.geom.Rectangle
Determines whether the specified point is contained within the rectangular region defined by this Rectangle object.
containsPoint(pt:Point) — Method in class flash.geom.Rectangle
Determines whether the specified point is contained within the rectangular region defined by this Rectangle object.
containsRectangle(rect:Rectangle) — Method in class flash.geom.Rectangle
Determines whether the Rectangle object specified by the rect parameter is contained within this Rectangle object.
contentType — Property in class LoadVars
The MIME type that is sent to the server when you call LoadVars.send() or LoadVars.sendAndLoad().
contentType — Property in class XML
The MIME content type that is sent to the server when you call the XML.send() or XML.sendAndLoad() method.
ContextMenu — Dynamic class in Top Level
The ContextMenu class provides runtime control over the items in the Flash Player context menu, which appears when a user right-clicks (Windows) or Control-clicks (Macintosh) on Flash Player.
ContextMenu([callbackFunction:Function]) — Constructor in class ContextMenu
Creates a new ContextMenu object.
ContextMenuItem — Dynamic class in Top Level
The ContextMenuItem class allows you to create custom menu items to display in the Flash Player context menu.
ContextMenuItem(caption:String, callbackFunction:Function, [separatorBefore:Boolean], [enabled:Boolean], [visible:Boolean]) — Constructor in class ContextMenuItem
Creates a new ContextMenuItem object that can be added to the ContextMenu.customItems array.
continue — Statement
Jumps past all remaining statements in the innermost loop and starts the next iteration of the loop as if control had passed through to the end of the loop normally.
CONTROL — Constant static property in class Key
The key code value for the Control key (17).
ConvolutionFilter — Class in package flash.filters
The ConvolutionFilter class applies a matrix convolution filter effect.
ConvolutionFilter(matrixX:Number, matrixY:Number, matrix:Array, [divisor:Number], [bias:Number], [preserveAlpha:Boolean], [clamp:Boolean], [color:Number], [alpha:Number]) — Constructor in class flash.filters.ConvolutionFilter
Initializes a ConvolutionFilter instance with the specified parameters.
copy() — Method in class ContextMenu
Creates a copy of the specified ContextMenu object.
copy() — Method in class ContextMenuItem
Creates and returns a copy of the specified ContextMenuItem object.
copyChannel(sourceBitmap:BitmapData, sourceRect:Rectangle, destPoint:Point, sourceChannel:Number, destChannel:Number) — Method in class flash.display.BitmapData
Transfers data from one channel of another BitmapData object or the current BitmapData object into a channel of the current BitmapData object.
copyPixels(sourceBitmap:BitmapData, sourceRect:Rectangle, destPoint:Point, [alphaBitmap:BitmapData], [alphaPoint:Point], [mergeAlpha:Boolean]) — Method in class flash.display.BitmapData
Provides a fast routine to perform pixel manipulation between images with no stretching, rotation, or color effects.
cos(x:Number) — Static method in class Math
Computes and returns the cosine of the specified angle in radians.
createBox(scaleX:Number, scaleY:Number, [rotation:Number], [tx:Number], [ty:Number]) — Method in class flash.geom.Matrix
Includes parameters for scaling, rotation, and translation.
createElement(name:String) — Method in class XML
Creates a new XML element with the name specified in the parameter.
createEmptyMovieClip(name:String, depth:Number) — Method in class MovieClip
Creates an empty movie clip as a child of an existing movie clip.
createGradientBox(width:Number, height:Number, [rotation:Number], [tx:Number], [ty:Number]) — Method in class flash.geom.Matrix
Creates the specific style of matrix expected by the MovieClip.beginGradientFill() method.
createTextField(instanceName:String, depth:Number, x:Number, y:Number, width:Number, height:Number) — Method in class MovieClip
Creates a new, empty text field as a child of the movie clip on which you call this method.
createTextNode(value:String) — Method in class XML
Creates a new XML text node with the specified text.
creationDate — Property in class
The creation date of the file on the local disk.
creator — Property in class
The Macintosh creator type of the file.
currentFps — Property in class Camera
The rate at which the camera is capturing data, in frames per second.
currentFps — Property in class NetStream
The number of frames per second being displayed.
_currentframe — Property in class MovieClip
Returns the number of the frame in which the playhead is located in the movie clip's timeline.
curveTo(controlX:Number, controlY:Number, anchorX:Number, anchorY:Number) — Method in class MovieClip
Draws a curve using the current line style from the current drawing position to (anchorX, anchorY) using the control point that ((controlX, controlY) specifies.
CustomActions — Class in Top Level
The methods of the CustomActions class allow a SWF file playing in the Flash authoring tool to manage any custom actions that are registered with the authoring tool.
customItems — Property in class ContextMenu
An array of ContextMenuItem objects.