Symbols A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z |
undefined — Constant property |
| A special value, usually used to indicate that a variable has not yet been assigned a value.
underline — Property in class TextFormat |
| A Boolean value that indicates whether the text that uses this text format is underlined (true ) or not (false ). |
unescape(string:String) — Global function |
| Evaluates the parameter x as a string, decodes the string from URL-encoded format (converting all hexadecimal sequences to ASCII characters), and returns the string. |
uninstall(name:String) — Static method in class CustomActions |
| Removes the Custom Actions XML definition file named name . |
union(toUnion:Rectangle) — Method in class flash.geom.Rectangle |
| Adds two rectangles together to create a new Rectangle object, by filling in the horizontal and vertical space between the two rectangles. |
UNIQUESORT — Constant static property in class Array |
| In the sorting methods, this constant specifies the unique sorting requirement. |
UNKNOWN — Constant static property in class System.IME |
| A string with the value "UNKNOWN" for use with getConversionMode() . |
unloadClip(target:Object) — Method in class MovieClipLoader |
| Removes a movie clip that was loaded by using MovieClipLoader.loadClip() . |
unloadMovie(target:Object) — Global function |
| Removes a movie clip that was loaded by means of
loadMovie() from Flash Player. |
unloadMovie() — Method in class MovieClip |
| Removes the contents of a movie clip instance. |
unloadMovieNum(level:Number) — Global function |
| Removes a SWF or image that was loaded by means of loadMovieNum() from Flash Player. |
unshift(value:Object) — Method in class Array |
| Adds one or more elements to the beginning of an array and returns the new length of the array. |
unwatch(name:String) — Method in class Object |
| Removes a watchpoint that created. |
UP — Constant static property in class Key |
| The key code value for the Up Arrow key (38). |
updateAfterEvent() — Global function |
| Updates the display when you call it within an handler or using
setInterval() . |
updateProperties() — Static method in class Accessibility |
| Causes all changes to _accProps (accessibility properties) objects to take effect. |
upload(url:String) — Method in class |
| Starts the upload of a file selected by a user to a remote server. |
_url — Property in class Button |
| Retrieves the URL of the SWF file that created the button. |
_url — Property in class MovieClip |
| Retrieves the URL of the SWF, JPEG, GIF, or PNG file from which the movie clip was downloaded. |
_url — Property in class TextField |
| Retrieves the URL of the SWF file that created the text field. |
url — Property in class TextFormat |
| Indicates the URL that text in this text format hyperlinks to. |
useCodepage — Static property in class System |
| A Boolean value that tells Flash Player whether to use Unicode or the traditional code page of the operating system running the player to interpret external text files. |
useEchoSuppression — Property in class Microphone |
| Property (read-only); a Boolean value of true if echo suppression is enabled, false otherwise. |
useHandCursor — Property in class Button |
| A Boolean value that, when set to true (the default), indicates whether a pointing hand (hand cursor) displays when the mouse rolls over a button. |
useHandCursor — Property in class MovieClip |
| A Boolean value that indicates whether the pointing hand (hand cursor) appears when the mouse rolls over a movie clip. |
UTC(year:Number, month:Number, [date:Number], [hour:Number], [minute:Number], [second:Number], [millisecond:Number]) — Static method in class Date |
| Returns the number of milliseconds between midnight on January 1, 1970, universal time, and the time specified in the parameters. |