Symbols A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z |
a — Property in class flash.geom.Matrix |
| The value in the first row and first column of the Matrix object, which affects the positioning of pixels along the x axis when scaling or rotating an image. |
abs(x:Number) — Static method in class Math |
| Computes and returns an absolute value for the number specified by the parameter x . |
accept() — Static method in class XMLUI |
| Makes the current XMLUI dialog exit with an "accept" state. |
Accessibility — Class in Top Level |
| The Accessibility class manages communication with screen readers. |
_accProps — Global property |
| Lets you control screen reader accessibility options for SWF files, movie clips, buttons, dynamic text fields, and input text fields at runtime.Property; lets you control screen reader accessibility options at runtime for SWF files and movie clips as well as for Button, TextArea, and TextInput controls. |
acos(x:Number) — Static method in class Math |
| Computes and returns the arc cosine of the number specified in the parameter x , in radians. |
activityLevel — Property in class Camera |
| A numeric value that specifies the amount of motion the camera is detecting. |
activityLevel — Property in class Microphone |
| A numeric value that specifies the amount of sound the microphone is detecting. |
add(v:Point) — Method in class flash.geom.Point |
| Adds the coordinates of another point to the coordinates of this point to create a new point. |
addCallback(methodName:String, instance:Object, method:Function) — Static method in class flash.external.ExternalInterface |
| Registers an ActionScript method as callable from the container. |
add (concatenation (strings)) — Operator |
| Deprecated since Flash Player 5 — Macromedia recommends that you use the add (+ ) operator when creating content for Flash Player 5 or later. This operator is not supported in Flash Player 8 or later.
addDelayedInstance(instance:Object, stringID:String) — Static method in class mx.lang.Locale |
| Adds the {instance, string ID} pair into the internal array for later use. |
addListener(listenerObj:Object) — Method in class AsBroadcaster |
| Registers an object to receive event notification messages. |
addListener(listener:Object) — Static method in class Key |
| Registers an object to receive onKeyDown and onKeyUp notification. |
addListener(listener:Object) — Static method in class Mouse |
| Registers an object to receive notifications of the onMouseDown , onMouseMove , onMouseUp , and onMouseWheel listeners. |
addListener(listener:Object) — Method in class MovieClipLoader |
| Registers an object to receive notification when a MovieClipLoader event handler is invoked. |
addListener(listener:Object) — Static method in class Selection |
| Registers an object to receive keyboard focus change notifications. |
addListener(listener:Object) — Static method in class Stage |
| Detects when a SWF file is resized (but only if Stage.scaleMode = "noScale" ). |
addListener(listener:Object) — Method in class TextField |
| Registers an object to receive TextField event notifications. |
addListener(listener:Object) — Method in class |
| Registers an object to receive notification when a FileReference event listener is invoked. |
addListener(listener:Object) — Method in class |
| Registers an object to receive notification when a FileReferenceList event listener is invoked. |
addListener(listener:Object) — Static method in class System.IME |
| Registers an object to receive notification when an IME event handler is invoked by the onIMEComposition event. |
addPage(target:Object, [printArea:Object], [options:Object], [frameNum:Number]) — Method in class PrintJob |
| Sends the specified level or movie clip as a single page to the print spooler. |
addProperty(name:String, getter:Function, setter:Function) — Method in class Object |
| Creates a getter/setter property. |
addRequestHeader(header:Object, headerValue:String) — Method in class LoadVars |
| Adds or changes HTTP request headers (such as Content-Type or SOAPAction ) sent with POST actions. |
addRequestHeader(header:Object, headerValue:String) — Method in class XML |
| Adds or changes HTTP request headers (such as Content-Type or SOAPAction ) sent with POST actions. |
addXMLPath(langCode:String, path:String) — Static method in class mx.lang.Locale |
| Adds the {languageCode and languagePath} pair into the internal array for later use. |
align — Static property in class Stage |
| Indicates the current alignment of the SWF file in the player or browser. |
align — Property in class TextFormat |
| A string that indicates the alignment of the paragraph. |
allowDomain([sendingDomain:String]) — Event handler in class LocalConnection |
| Invoked whenever receiving_lc receives a request to invoke a method from a sending LocalConnection object. |
allowDomain(domain1:String) — Static method in class |
| Lets SWF files and HTML files in the identified domains access objects and variables in the SWF file that contains the allowDomain() call. |
allowInsecureDomain([sendingDomain:String]) — Event handler in class LocalConnection |
| Invoked whenever receiving_lc, which is in a SWF file hosted at a domain using a secure protocol (HTTPS), receives a request to invoke a method from a sending LocalConnection object that is in a SWF file hosted at a nonsecure protocol. |
allowInsecureDomain(domain:String) — Static method in class |
| Lets SWF files and HTML files in the identified domains access objects and variables in the calling SWF file, which is hosted by means of the HTTPS protocol. |
_alpha — Property in class Button |
| The alpha transparency value of the button specified by my_btn . |
_alpha — Property in class MovieClip |
| The alpha transparency value of the movie clip. |
_alpha — Property in class TextField |
| Sets or retrieves the alpha transparency value of the text field. |
_alpha — Property in class Video |
| Indicates the alpha transparency value of the Video object specified. |
alpha — Property in class flash.filters.ConvolutionFilter |
| The alpha transparency value of the substitute color. |
alpha — Property in class flash.filters.DisplacementMapFilter |
| Specifies the alpha transparency value to use for out-of-bounds displacements. |
alpha — Property in class flash.filters.DropShadowFilter |
| The alpha transparency value for the shadow color. |
alpha — Property in class flash.filters.GlowFilter |
| The alpha transparency value for the color. |
alphaMultiplier — Property in class flash.geom.ColorTransform |
| A decimal value that is multiplied by the alpha transparency channel value. |
ALPHANUMERIC_FULL — Constant static property in class System.IME |
| A string with the value "ALPHANUMERIC_FULL" for use with setConversionMode() and getConversionMode() . |
ALPHANUMERIC_HALF — Constant static property in class System.IME |
| A string with the value "ALPHANUMERIC_HALF" for use with setConversionMode() and getConversionMode() . |
alphaOffset — Property in class flash.geom.ColorTransform |
| A number from -255 to 255 that is added to the alpha transparency channel value after it has been multiplied by the alphaMultiplier value. |
alphas — Property in class flash.filters.GradientBevelFilter |
| An array of alpha transparency values for the corresponding colors in the colors array. |
alphas — Property in class flash.filters.GradientGlowFilter |
| An array of alpha transparency values for the corresponding colors in the colors array. |
and (logical AND) — Operator |
| Deprecated since Flash Player 5 — Macromedia recommends that you use the logical AND (&&) operator.
angle — Property in class flash.filters.BevelFilter |
| The angle of the bevel. |
angle — Property in class flash.filters.DropShadowFilter |
| The angle of the shadow. |
angle — Property in class flash.filters.GradientBevelFilter |
| The angle, in degrees. |
angle — Property in class flash.filters.GradientGlowFilter |
| The angle, in degrees. |
antiAliasType — Property in class TextField |
| The type of anti-aliasing used for this TextField instance. |
appendChild(newChild:XMLNode) — Method in class XMLNode |
| Appends the specified node to the XML object's child list. |
apply(thisObject:Object, [argArray:Array]) — Method in class Function |
| Specifies the value of thisObject to be used within any function that ActionScript calls. |
applyFilter(sourceBitmap:BitmapData, sourceRect:Rectangle, destPoint:Point, filter:BitmapFilter) — Method in class flash.display.BitmapData |
| Takes a source image and a filter object and generates the filtered image. |
arguments — Class in Top Level |
| An arguments object is used to store and access a function's arguments. |
Array — Dynamic class in Top Level |
| The Array class lets you access and manipulate indexed arrays. |
Array([value:Object]) — Constructor in class Array |
| Lets you create an array. |
Array([numElements:Number], [elementN:Object]) — Global function |
Creates a new, empty array or converts specified elements to an array.
AsBroadcaster — Class in Top Level |
| Provides event notification and listener management capabilities that you can add to user-defined objects. |
asfunction(function:String, parameter:String) — Global function |
| A special protocol for URLs in HTML text fields that allows an HREF link to call an ActionScript function. |
asin(x:Number) — Static method in class Math |
| Computes and returns the arc sine for the number specified in the parameter x , in radians. |
atan(tangent:Number) — Static method in class Math |
| Computes and returns the value, in radians, of the angle whose tangent is specified in the parameter tangent . |
atan2(y:Number, x:Number) — Static method in class Math |
| Computes and returns the angle of the point y /x in radians, when measured counterclockwise from a circle's x axis (where 0,0 represents the center of the circle). |
attachAudio(id:Object) — Method in class MovieClip |
| Specifies the audio source to be played. |
attachBitmap(bmp:BitmapData, depth:Number, [pixelSnapping:String], [smoothing:Boolean]) — Method in class MovieClip |
| Attaches a bitmap image to a movie clip. |
attachMovie(id:String, name:String, depth:Number, [initObject:Object]) — Method in class MovieClip |
| Takes a symbol from the library and attaches it to the movie clip. |
attachSound(id:String) — Method in class Sound |
| Attaches the sound specified in the id parameter to the specified Sound object. |
attachVideo(source:Object) — Method in class Video |
| Specifies a video stream (source ) to be displayed within the boundaries of the Video object on the Stage. |
attributes — Property in class XMLNode |
| An object containing all of the attributes of the specified XML instance. |
autoReplace — Static property in class mx.lang.Locale |
| Determines whether strings are replaced automatically after loading the XML file. |
autoSize — Property in class TextField |
| Controls automatic sizing and alignment of text fields. |
available — Static property in class flash.external.ExternalInterface |
| Indicates whether this player is in a container that offers an external interface. |
avHardwareDisable — Static property in class System.capabilities |
| A Boolean value that specifies whether access to the user's camera and microphone has been administratively prohibited (true ) or allowed (false ). |