Symbols  A  B  C  D  E  F  G  H  I  J  K  L  M  N  O  P  Q  R  S  T  U  V  W  X  Y  Z  
gain — Property in class Microphone
The amount by which the microphone boosts the signal.
ge (greater than or equal to (strings)) — Operator
Deprecated since Flash Player 5 — This operator was deprecated in favor of the >= (greater than or equal to) operator.
generateFilterRect(sourceRect:Rectangle, filter:BitmapFilter) — Method in class flash.display.BitmapData
Determines the destination rectangle that the applyFilter() method call affects, given a BitmapData object, a source rectangle, and a filter object.
get — Statement
Permits implicit getting of properties associated with objects based on classes you have defined in external class files.
get([index:Number]) — Static method in class Camera
Returns a reference to a Camera object for capturing video.
get(name:String) — Static method in class CustomActions
Reads the contents of the custom action XML definition file named name.
get([index:Number]) — Static method in class Microphone
Returns a reference to a Microphone object for capturing audio.
get(name:String) — Static method in class XMLUI
Retrieves the value of the specified property of the current XMLUI dialog.
getAscii() — Static method in class Key
Returns the ASCII code of the last key pressed or released.
getBeginIndex() — Static method in class Selection
Returns the index at the beginning of the selection span.
getBounds(bounds:Object) — Method in class MovieClip
Returns properties that are the minimum and maximum x and y coordinate values of the movie clip, based on the bounds parameter.
getBytesLoaded() — Method in class LoadVars
Returns the number of bytes downloaded by LoadVars.load() or LoadVars.sendAndLoad().
getBytesLoaded() — Method in class MovieClip
Returns the number of bytes that have already loaded (streamed) for the movie clip.
getBytesLoaded() — Method in class Sound
Returns the number of bytes loaded (streamed) for the specified Sound object.
getBytesLoaded() — Method in class XML
Returns the number of bytes loaded (streamed) for the XML document.
getBytesTotal() — Method in class LoadVars
Returns the total number of bytes downloaded by LoadVars.load() or LoadVars.sendAndLoad().
getBytesTotal() — Method in class MovieClip
Returns the size, in bytes, of the movie clip.
getBytesTotal() — Method in class Sound
Returns the size, in bytes, of the specified Sound object.
getBytesTotal() — Method in class XML
Returns the size, in bytes, of the XML document.
getCaretIndex() — Static method in class Selection
Returns the index of the blinking insertion point (caret) position.
getCode() — Static method in class Key
Returns the key code value of the last key pressed.
getColorBoundsRect(mask:Number, color:Number, [findColor:Boolean]) — Method in class flash.display.BitmapData
Determines a rectangular region that fully encloses all pixels of a specified color within the bitmap image.
getConversionMode() — Static method in class System.IME
Indicates the conversion mode of the current IME.
getCount() — Method in class TextSnapshot
Returns the number of characters in a TextSnapshot object.
getDate() — Method in class Date
Returns the day of the month (an integer from 1 to 31) of the specified Date object according to local time.
getDay() — Method in class Date
Returns the day of the week (0 for Sunday, 1 for Monday, and so on) of the specified Date object according to local time.
getDefaultLang() — Static method in class mx.lang.Locale
The default language code as set in the Strings panel dialog box or by calling the setDefaultLang() method.
getDepth() — Method in class Button
Returns the depth of the button instance.
getDepth() — Method in class MovieClip
Returns the depth of the movie clip instance.
getDepth() — Method in class TextField
Returns the depth of a text field.
getEnabled() — Static method in class System.IME
Indicates whether the system IME is enabled.
getEndIndex() — Static method in class Selection
Returns the ending index of the currently focused selection span.
getFocus() — Static method in class Selection
Returns a string specifying the target path of the object that has focus.
getFontList() — Static method in class TextField
Returns the names of fonts on the player's host system as an array.
getFullYear() — Method in class Date
Returns the full year (a four-digit number, such as 2000) of the specified Date object, according to local time.
getHours() — Method in class Date
Returns the hour (an integer from 0 to 23) of the specified Date object, according to local time.
getInstanceAtDepth(depth:Number) — Method in class MovieClip
Determines if a particular depth is already occupied by a movie clip.
getLocal(name:String, [localPath:String], [secure:Boolean]) — Static method in class SharedObject
Returns a reference to a locally persistent shared object that is available only to the current client.
getMilliseconds() — Method in class Date
Returns the milliseconds (an integer from 0 to 999) of the specified Date object, according to local time.
getMinutes() — Method in class Date
Returns the minutes (an integer from 0 to 59) of the specified Date object, according to local time.
getMonth() — Method in class Date
Returns the month (0 for January, 1 for February, and so on) of the specified Date object, according to local time.
getNamespaceForPrefix(prefix:String) — Method in class XMLNode
Returns the namespace URI that is associated with the specified prefix for the node.
getNewTextFormat() — Method in class TextField
Returns a TextFormat object containing a copy of the text field's text format object.
getNextHighestDepth() — Method in class MovieClip
Determines a depth value that you can pass to MovieClip.attachMovie(), MovieClip.duplicateMovieClip(), or MovieClip.createEmptyMovieClip() to ensure that Flash renders the movie clip in front of all other objects on the same level and layer in the current movie clip.
getPan() — Method in class Sound
Returns the pan level set in the last setPan() call as an integer from -100 (left) to +100 (right).
getPixel(x:Number, y:Number) — Method in class flash.display.BitmapData
Returns an integer that reresents an RGB pixel value from a BitmapData object at a specific point (x, y).
getPixel32(x:Number, y:Number) — Method in class flash.display.BitmapData
Returns an ARGB color value that contains alpha channel data and RGB data.
getPrefixForNamespace(nsURI:String) — Method in class XMLNode
Returns the prefix that is associated with the specified namespace URI for the node.
getProgress(target:Object) — Method in class MovieClipLoader
Returns the number of bytes loaded and the total number of bytes of a file that is being loaded by using MovieClipLoader.loadClip(); for compressed movies, returns the number of compressed bytes.
getProperty(my_mc:Object, property) — Global function
Returns the value of the specified property for the movie clip my_mc.
getRect(bounds:Object) — Method in class MovieClip
Returns properties that are the minimum and maximum x and y coordinate values of the movie clip, based on the bounds parameter, excluding any strokes on shapes.
getRGB() — Method in class Color
Deprecated. The Color class is deprecated as of Flash Player 8.
getSeconds() — Method in class Date
Returns the seconds (an integer from 0 to 59) of the specified Date object, according to local time.
getSelected(start:Number, [end:Number]) — Method in class TextSnapshot
Returns a Boolean value that specifies whether a TextSnapshot object contains selected text in the specified range.
getSelectedText([includeLineEndings:Boolean]) — Method in class TextSnapshot
Returns a string that contains all the characters specified by the corresponding TextSnapshot.setSelected() method.
getSize() — Method in class SharedObject
Gets the current size of the shared object, in bytes.
getStyle(name:String) — Method in class TextField.StyleSheet
Returns a copy of the style object associated with the specified style (name).
getStyleNames() — Method in class TextField.StyleSheet
Returns an array that contains the names (as strings) of all of the styles registered in this style sheet.
getSWFVersion() — Method in class MovieClip
Returns an integer that indicates the Flash Player version for the movie clip was published.
getText(start:Number, end:Number, [includeLineEndings:Boolean]) — Method in class TextSnapshot
Returns a string that contains all the characters specified by the start and end parameters.
getTextExtent(text:String, [width:Number]) — Method in class TextFormat
Deprecated since Flash Player 8 — There is no replacement.
getTextFormat([beginIndex:Number], [endIndex:Number]) — Method in class TextField
Returns a TextFormat object for a character, a range of characters, or an entire TextField object.
getTextRunInfo(beginIndex:Number, endIndex:Number) — Method in class TextSnapshot
Returns an array of objects that contains information about a run of text.
getTextSnapshot() — Method in class MovieClip
Returns a TextSnapshot object that contains the text in all the static text fields in the specified movie clip; text in child movie clips is not included.
getTime() — Method in class Date
Returns the number of milliseconds since midnight January 1, 1970, universal time, for the specified Date object.
getTimer() — Global function
Returns the number of milliseconds that have elapsed since the SWF file started playing.
getTimezoneOffset() — Method in class Date
Returns the difference, in minutes, between the computer's local time and universal time.
getTransform() — Method in class Color
Deprecated. The Color class is deprecated as of Flash Player 8.
getTransform() — Method in class Sound
Returns the sound transform information for the specified Sound object set with the last Sound.setTransform() call.
getURL(url:String, [window:String], [method:String]) — Global function
Loads a document from a specific URL into a window or passes variables to another application at a defined URL.
getURL(url:String, [window:String], [method:String]) — Method in class MovieClip
Loads a document from the specified URL into the specified window.
getUTCDate() — Method in class Date
Returns the day of the month (an integer from 1 to 31) in the specified Date object, according to universal time.
getUTCDay() — Method in class Date
Returns the day of the week (0 for Sunday, 1 for Monday, and so on) of the specified Date object, according to universal time.
getUTCFullYear() — Method in class Date
Returns the four-digit year of the specified Date object, according to universal time.
getUTCHours() — Method in class Date
Returns the hour (an integer from 0 to 23) of the specified Date object, according to universal time.
getUTCMilliseconds() — Method in class Date
Returns the milliseconds (an integer from 0 to 999) of the specified Date object, according to universal time.
getUTCMinutes() — Method in class Date
Returns the minutes (an integer from 0 to 59) of the specified Date object, according to universal time.
getUTCMonth() — Method in class Date
Returns the month (0 [January] to 11 [December]) of the specified Date object, according to universal time.
getUTCSeconds() — Method in class Date
Returns the seconds (an integer from 0 to 59) of the specified Date object, according to universal time.
getUTCYear() — Method in class Date
Returns the year of this Date according to universal time (UTC).
getVersion() — Global function
Returns a string containing Flash Player version and platform information.
getVolume() — Method in class Sound
Returns the sound volume level as an integer from 0 to 100, where 0 is off and 100 is full volume.
getYear() — Method in class Date
Returns the year of the specified Date object, according to local time.
_global — Global property
A reference to the global object that holds the core ActionScript classes, such as String, Object, Math, and Array.
globalToLocal(pt:Object) — Method in class MovieClip
Converts the pt object from Stage (global) coordinates to the movie clip's (local) coordinates.
GlowFilter — Class in package flash.filters
The GlowFilter class lets you apply a glow effect to various objects in Flash.
GlowFilter([color:Number], [alpha:Number], [blurX:Number], [blurY:Number], [strength:Number], [quality:Number], [inner:Boolean], [knockout:Boolean]) — Constructor in class flash.filters.GlowFilter
Initializes a new GlowFilter instance with the specified parameters.
gotoAndPlay([scene:String], frame:Object) — Global function
Sends the playhead to the specified frame in a scene and plays from that frame.
gotoAndPlay(frame:Object) — Method in class MovieClip
Starts playing the SWF file at the specified frame.
gotoAndStop([scene:String], frame:Object) — Global function
Sends the playhead to the specified frame in a scene and stops it.
gotoAndStop(frame:Object) — Method in class MovieClip
Brings the playhead to the specified frame of the movie clip and stops it there.
GradientBevelFilter — Class in package flash.filters
The GradientBevelFilter class lets you apply a gradient bevel effect to various objects in Flash.
GradientBevelFilter([distance:Number], [angle:Number], [colors:Array], [alphas:Array], [ratios:Array], [blurX:Number], [blurY:Number], [strength:Number], [quality:Number], [type:String], [knockout:Boolean]) — Constructor in class flash.filters.GradientBevelFilter
Initializes the filter with the specified parameters.
GradientGlowFilter — Class in package flash.filters
The GradientGlowFilter class lets you apply a gradient glow effect to a variety of objects in Flash.
GradientGlowFilter([distance:Number], [angle:Number], [colors:Array], [alphas:Array], [ratios:Array], [blurX:Number], [blurY:Number], [strength:Number], [quality:Number], [type:String], [knockout:Boolean]) — Constructor in class flash.filters.GradientGlowFilter
Initializes the filter with the specified parameters.
greenMultiplier — Property in class flash.geom.ColorTransform
A decimal value that is multiplied by the green channel value.
greenOffset — Property in class flash.geom.ColorTransform
A number from -255 to 255 that is added to the green channel value after it has been multiplied by the greenMultiplier value.
gridFitType — Property in class TextField
The type of grid fitting used for this TextField instance.
gt (greater than (strings)) — Operator
Deprecated since Flash Player 5 — This operator was deprecated in favor of the > (greater than) operator.