Symbols A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z |
gain — Property in class Microphone |
| The amount by which the microphone boosts the signal. |
ge (greater than or equal to (strings)) — Operator |
| Deprecated since Flash Player 5 — This operator was deprecated in favor of the >= (greater than or equal to) operator.
generateFilterRect(sourceRect:Rectangle, filter:BitmapFilter) — Method in class flash.display.BitmapData |
| Determines the destination rectangle that the applyFilter() method call affects, given a BitmapData object, a source rectangle, and a filter object. |
get — Statement |
| Permits implicit getting of properties associated with objects based on classes you have defined in external class files. |
get([index:Number]) — Static method in class Camera |
| Returns a reference to a Camera object for capturing video. |
get(name:String) — Static method in class CustomActions |
| Reads the contents of the custom action XML definition file named name . |
get([index:Number]) — Static method in class Microphone |
| Returns a reference to a Microphone object for capturing audio. |
get(name:String) — Static method in class XMLUI |
| Retrieves the value of the specified property of the current XMLUI dialog. |
getAscii() — Static method in class Key |
| Returns the ASCII code of the last key pressed or released. |
getBeginIndex() — Static method in class Selection |
| Returns the index at the beginning of the selection span. |
getBounds(bounds:Object) — Method in class MovieClip |
| Returns properties that are the minimum and maximum x and y coordinate values of the movie clip, based on the bounds parameter. |
getBytesLoaded() — Method in class LoadVars |
| Returns the number of bytes downloaded by LoadVars.load() or LoadVars.sendAndLoad() . |
getBytesLoaded() — Method in class MovieClip |
| Returns the number of bytes that have already loaded (streamed) for the movie clip. |
getBytesLoaded() — Method in class Sound |
| Returns the number of bytes loaded (streamed) for the specified Sound object. |
getBytesLoaded() — Method in class XML |
| Returns the number of bytes loaded (streamed) for the XML document. |
getBytesTotal() — Method in class LoadVars |
| Returns the total number of bytes downloaded by LoadVars.load() or LoadVars.sendAndLoad() . |
getBytesTotal() — Method in class MovieClip |
| Returns the size, in bytes, of the movie clip. |
getBytesTotal() — Method in class Sound |
| Returns the size, in bytes, of the specified Sound object. |
getBytesTotal() — Method in class XML |
| Returns the size, in bytes, of the XML document. |
getCaretIndex() — Static method in class Selection |
| Returns the index of the blinking insertion point (caret) position. |
getCode() — Static method in class Key |
| Returns the key code value of the last key pressed. |
getColorBoundsRect(mask:Number, color:Number, [findColor:Boolean]) — Method in class flash.display.BitmapData |
| Determines a rectangular region that fully encloses all pixels of a specified color within the bitmap image. |
getConversionMode() — Static method in class System.IME |
| Indicates the conversion mode of the current IME. |
getCount() — Method in class TextSnapshot |
| Returns the number of characters in a TextSnapshot object. |
getDate() — Method in class Date |
| Returns the day of the month (an integer from 1 to 31) of the specified Date object according to local time. |
getDay() — Method in class Date |
| Returns the day of the week (0 for Sunday, 1 for Monday, and so on) of the specified Date object according to local time. |
getDefaultLang() — Static method in class mx.lang.Locale |
| The default language code as set in the Strings panel dialog box or by calling the setDefaultLang() method. |
getDepth() — Method in class Button |
| Returns the depth of the button instance. |
getDepth() — Method in class MovieClip |
| Returns the depth of the movie clip instance. |
getDepth() — Method in class TextField |
| Returns the depth of a text field. |
getEnabled() — Static method in class System.IME |
| Indicates whether the system IME is enabled. |
getEndIndex() — Static method in class Selection |
| Returns the ending index of the currently focused selection span. |
getFocus() — Static method in class Selection |
| Returns a string specifying the target path of the object that has focus. |
getFontList() — Static method in class TextField |
| Returns the names of fonts on the player's host system as an array. |
getFullYear() — Method in class Date |
| Returns the full year (a four-digit number, such as 2000) of the specified Date object, according to local time. |
getHours() — Method in class Date |
| Returns the hour (an integer from 0 to 23) of the specified Date object, according to local time. |
getInstanceAtDepth(depth:Number) — Method in class MovieClip |
| Determines if a particular depth is already occupied by a movie clip. |
getLocal(name:String, [localPath:String], [secure:Boolean]) — Static method in class SharedObject |
| Returns a reference to a locally persistent shared object that is available only to the current client. |
getMilliseconds() — Method in class Date |
| Returns the milliseconds (an integer from 0 to 999) of the specified Date object, according to local time. |
getMinutes() — Method in class Date |
| Returns the minutes (an integer from 0 to 59) of the specified Date object, according to local time. |
getMonth() — Method in class Date |
| Returns the month (0 for January, 1 for February, and so on) of the specified Date object, according to local time. |
getNamespaceForPrefix(prefix:String) — Method in class XMLNode |
| Returns the namespace URI that is associated with the specified prefix for the node. |
getNewTextFormat() — Method in class TextField |
| Returns a TextFormat object containing a copy of the text field's text format object. |
getNextHighestDepth() — Method in class MovieClip |
| Determines a depth value that you can pass to MovieClip.attachMovie() , MovieClip.duplicateMovieClip() , or MovieClip.createEmptyMovieClip() to ensure that Flash renders the movie clip in front of all other objects on the same level and layer in the current movie clip. |
getPan() — Method in class Sound |
| Returns the pan level set in the last setPan() call as an integer from -100 (left) to +100 (right). |
getPixel(x:Number, y:Number) — Method in class flash.display.BitmapData |
| Returns an integer that reresents an RGB pixel value from a BitmapData object at a specific point (x, y). |
getPixel32(x:Number, y:Number) — Method in class flash.display.BitmapData |
| Returns an ARGB color value that contains alpha channel data and RGB data. |
getPrefixForNamespace(nsURI:String) — Method in class XMLNode |
| Returns the prefix that is associated with the specified namespace URI for the node. |
getProgress(target:Object) — Method in class MovieClipLoader |
| Returns the number of bytes loaded and the total number of bytes of a file that is being loaded by using MovieClipLoader.loadClip() ; for compressed movies, returns the number of compressed bytes. |
getProperty(my_mc:Object, property) — Global function |
| Returns the value of the specified property for the movie clip my_mc . |
getRect(bounds:Object) — Method in class MovieClip |
| Returns properties that are the minimum and maximum x and y coordinate values of the movie clip, based on the bounds parameter, excluding any strokes on shapes. |
getRGB() — Method in class Color |
| Deprecated. The Color class is deprecated as of Flash Player 8. |
getSeconds() — Method in class Date |
| Returns the seconds (an integer from 0 to 59) of the specified Date object, according to local time. |
getSelected(start:Number, [end:Number]) — Method in class TextSnapshot |
| Returns a Boolean value that specifies whether a TextSnapshot object contains selected text in the specified range. |
getSelectedText([includeLineEndings:Boolean]) — Method in class TextSnapshot |
| Returns a string that contains all the characters specified by the corresponding TextSnapshot.setSelected() method. |
getSize() — Method in class SharedObject |
| Gets the current size of the shared object, in bytes. |
getStyle(name:String) — Method in class TextField.StyleSheet |
| Returns a copy of the style object associated with the specified style (name ). |
getStyleNames() — Method in class TextField.StyleSheet |
| Returns an array that contains the names (as strings) of all of the styles registered in this style sheet. |
getSWFVersion() — Method in class MovieClip |
| Returns an integer that indicates the Flash Player version for the movie clip was published. |
getText(start:Number, end:Number, [includeLineEndings:Boolean]) — Method in class TextSnapshot |
| Returns a string that contains all the characters specified by the start and end parameters. |
getTextExtent(text:String, [width:Number]) — Method in class TextFormat |
| Deprecated since Flash Player 8 — There is no replacement.
getTextFormat([beginIndex:Number], [endIndex:Number]) — Method in class TextField |
| Returns a TextFormat object for a character, a range of characters, or an entire TextField object. |
getTextRunInfo(beginIndex:Number, endIndex:Number) — Method in class TextSnapshot |
| Returns an array of objects that contains information about a run of text. |
getTextSnapshot() — Method in class MovieClip |
| Returns a TextSnapshot object that contains the text in all the static text fields in the specified movie clip; text in child movie clips is not included. |
getTime() — Method in class Date |
| Returns the number of milliseconds since midnight January 1, 1970, universal time, for the specified Date object. |
getTimer() — Global function |
| Returns the number of milliseconds that have elapsed since the SWF file started playing. |
getTimezoneOffset() — Method in class Date |
| Returns the difference, in minutes, between the computer's local time and universal time. |
getTransform() — Method in class Color |
| Deprecated. The Color class is deprecated as of Flash Player 8. |
getTransform() — Method in class Sound |
| Returns the sound transform information for the specified Sound object set with the last Sound.setTransform() call. |
getURL(url:String, [window:String], [method:String]) — Global function |
| Loads a document from a specific URL into a window or passes variables to another application at a defined URL. |
getURL(url:String, [window:String], [method:String]) — Method in class MovieClip |
| Loads a document from the specified URL into the specified window. |
getUTCDate() — Method in class Date |
| Returns the day of the month (an integer from 1 to 31) in the specified Date object, according to universal time. |
getUTCDay() — Method in class Date |
| Returns the day of the week (0 for Sunday, 1 for Monday, and so on) of the specified Date object, according to universal time. |
getUTCFullYear() — Method in class Date |
| Returns the four-digit year of the specified Date object, according to universal time. |
getUTCHours() — Method in class Date |
| Returns the hour (an integer from 0 to 23) of the specified Date object, according to universal time. |
getUTCMilliseconds() — Method in class Date |
| Returns the milliseconds (an integer from 0 to 999) of the specified Date object, according to universal time. |
getUTCMinutes() — Method in class Date |
| Returns the minutes (an integer from 0 to 59) of the specified Date object, according to universal time. |
getUTCMonth() — Method in class Date |
| Returns the month (0 [January] to 11 [December]) of the specified Date object, according to universal time. |
getUTCSeconds() — Method in class Date |
| Returns the seconds (an integer from 0 to 59) of the specified Date object, according to universal time. |
getUTCYear() — Method in class Date |
| Returns the year of this Date according to universal time (UTC). |
getVersion() — Global function |
| Returns a string containing Flash Player version and platform information.
getVolume() — Method in class Sound |
| Returns the sound volume level as an integer from 0 to 100, where 0 is off and 100 is full volume. |
getYear() — Method in class Date |
| Returns the year of the specified Date object, according to local time. |
_global — Global property |
| A reference to the global object that holds the core ActionScript classes, such as String, Object, Math, and Array. |
globalToLocal(pt:Object) — Method in class MovieClip |
| Converts the pt object from Stage (global) coordinates to the movie clip's (local) coordinates. |
GlowFilter — Class in package flash.filters |
| The GlowFilter class lets you apply a glow effect to various objects in Flash. |
GlowFilter([color:Number], [alpha:Number], [blurX:Number], [blurY:Number], [strength:Number], [quality:Number], [inner:Boolean], [knockout:Boolean]) — Constructor in class flash.filters.GlowFilter |
| Initializes a new GlowFilter instance with the specified parameters. |
gotoAndPlay([scene:String], frame:Object) — Global function |
| Sends the playhead to the specified frame in a scene and plays from that frame.
gotoAndPlay(frame:Object) — Method in class MovieClip |
| Starts playing the SWF file at the specified frame. |
gotoAndStop([scene:String], frame:Object) — Global function |
| Sends the playhead to the specified frame in a scene and stops it. |
gotoAndStop(frame:Object) — Method in class MovieClip |
| Brings the playhead to the specified frame of the movie clip and stops it there. |
GradientBevelFilter — Class in package flash.filters |
| The GradientBevelFilter class lets you apply a gradient bevel effect to various objects in Flash. |
GradientBevelFilter([distance:Number], [angle:Number], [colors:Array], [alphas:Array], [ratios:Array], [blurX:Number], [blurY:Number], [strength:Number], [quality:Number], [type:String], [knockout:Boolean]) — Constructor in class flash.filters.GradientBevelFilter |
| Initializes the filter with the specified parameters. |
GradientGlowFilter — Class in package flash.filters |
| The GradientGlowFilter class lets you apply a gradient glow effect to a variety of objects in Flash. |
GradientGlowFilter([distance:Number], [angle:Number], [colors:Array], [alphas:Array], [ratios:Array], [blurX:Number], [blurY:Number], [strength:Number], [quality:Number], [type:String], [knockout:Boolean]) — Constructor in class flash.filters.GradientGlowFilter |
| Initializes the filter with the specified parameters. |
greenMultiplier — Property in class flash.geom.ColorTransform |
| A decimal value that is multiplied by the green channel value. |
greenOffset — Property in class flash.geom.ColorTransform |
| A number from -255 to 255 that is added to the green channel value after it has been multiplied by the greenMultiplier value. |
gridFitType — Property in class TextField |
| The type of grid fitting used for this TextField instance. |
gt (greater than (strings)) — Operator |
| Deprecated since Flash Player 5 — This operator was deprecated in favor of the > (greater than) operator.