Symbols  A  B  C  D  E  F  G  H  I  J  K  L  M  N  O  P  Q  R  S  T  U  V  W  X  Y  Z  
sandboxType — Static property in class
Indicates the type of security sandbox in which the calling SWF file is operating.
scale(sx:Number, sy:Number) — Method in class flash.geom.Matrix
Modifies a matrix so that its effect, when applied, is to resize an image.
scale9Grid — Property in class Button
The rectangular region that defines the nine scaling regions for the button.
scale9Grid — Property in class MovieClip
The rectangular region that defines the nine scaling regions for the movie clip.
scaleMode — Static property in class Stage
Indicates the current scaling of the SWF file within Flash Player.
scaleX — Property in class flash.filters.DisplacementMapFilter
The multiplier to use to scale the x displacement result from the map calculation.
scaleY — Property in class flash.filters.DisplacementMapFilter
The multiplier to use to scale the y displacement result from the map calculation.
screenColor — Static property in class System.capabilities
A string that indicates the screen color.
screenDPI — Static property in class System.capabilities
A number that indicates the dots-per-inch (dpi) resolution of the screen, in pixels.
screenResolutionX — Static property in class System.capabilities
An integer that indicates the maximum horizontal resolution of the screen.
screenResolutionY — Static property in class System.capabilities
An integer that indicates the maximum vertical resolution of the screen.
scroll — Global property
Deprecated since Flash Player 5 — This property was deprecated in favor of TextField.scroll.
scroll — Property in class TextField
The vertical position of text in a text field.
scroll(x:Number, y:Number) — Method in class flash.display.BitmapData
Scrolls an image by a certain (x, y) pixel amount.
scrollRect — Property in class MovieClip
The scrollRect property allows you to quickly scroll movie clip content and have a window viewing larger content.
security — Class in package System
The class contains methods that specify how SWF files in different domains can communicate with each other.
seek(offset:Number) — Method in class NetStream
Seeks the keyframe closest to the specified number of seconds from the beginning of the stream.
selectable — Property in class TextField
A Boolean value that indicates whether the text field is selectable.
Selection — Class in Top Level
The Selection class lets you set and control the text field in which the insertion point is located (that is, the field that has focus).
send(url:String, target:String, [method:String]) — Method in class LoadVars
Sends the variables in the my_lv object to the specified URL.
send(connectionName:String, methodName:String, [args:Object]) — Method in class LocalConnection
Invokes the method named method on a connection opened with the LocalConnection.connect(connectionName) command (the receiving LocalConnection object).
send() — Method in class PrintJob
Used following the PrintJob.start() and PrintJob.addPage() methods to send spooled pages to the printer.
send(url:String, [target:String], [method:String]) — Method in class XML
Encodes the specified XML object into an XML document and sends it to the specified target URL.
send(data:Object) — Method in class XMLSocket
Converts the XML object or data specified in the object parameter to a string and transmits it to the server, followed by a zero (0) byte.
sendAndLoad(url:String, target:Object, [method:String]) — Method in class LoadVars
Posts variables in the my_lv object to the specified URL.
sendAndLoad(url:String, resultXML:XML) — Method in class XML
Encodes the specified XML object into an XML document, sends it to the specified URL using the POST method, downloads the server's response, and loads it into the resultXMLobject specified in the parameters.
separatorBefore — Property in class ContextMenuItem
A Boolean value that indicates whether a separator bar should appear above the specified menu item.
serverString — Static property in class System.capabilities
A URL-encoded string that specifies values for each System.capabilities property.
set — Statement
Permits implicit setting of properties associated with objects based on classes you have defined in external class files.
set(name:String, value:String) — Static method in class XMLUI
Modifies the value of the specified property of the current XMLUI dialog.
setAdvancedAntialiasingTable(fontName:String, fontStyle:String, colorType:String, advancedAntialiasingTable:Array) — Static method in class flash.text.TextRenderer
Sets a custom continuous stroke modulation (CSM) lookup table for a font.
setBufferTime(bufferTime:Number) — Method in class NetStream
Specifies how long to buffer messages before starting to display the stream.
setClipboard(text:String) — Static method in class System
Replaces the contents of the Clipboard with a specified text string.
setCompositionString(composition:String) — Static method in class System.IME
Sets the IME composition string.
setConversionMode(mode:String) — Static method in class System.IME
Sets the conversion mode of the current IME.
setDate(date:Number) — Method in class Date
Sets the day of the month for the specified Date object, according to local time, and returns the new time in milliseconds.
setDefaultLang(langCode:String) — Static method in class mx.lang.Locale
Sets the default language code.
setEmpty() — Method in class flash.geom.Rectangle
Sets all of the Rectangle object's properties to 0.
setEnabled(enabled:Boolean) — Static method in class System.IME
Enables or disables the system IME.
setFocus(newFocus:Object) — Static method in class Selection
Gives focus to the selectable (editable) text field, button, or movie clip, specified by the newFocus parameter.
setFullYear(year:Number, [month:Number], [date:Number]) — Method in class Date
Sets the year of the specified Date object, according to local time and returns the new time in milliseconds.
setGain(gain:Number) — Method in class Microphone
Sets the microphone gain--that is, the amount by which the microphone should multiply the signal before transmitting it.
setHours(hour:Number) — Method in class Date
Sets the hours for the specified Date object according to local time and returns the new time in milliseconds.
setInterval(functionReference:Function, interval:Number, [param:Object], objectReference:Object, methodName:String) — Global function
Calls a function or a method of an object at periodic intervals while a SWF file plays.
setLoadCallback(loadCallback:Function) — Static method in class mx.lang.Locale
Sets the callback function that is called after the XML file is loaded.
setMask(mc:Object) — Method in class MovieClip
Makes the movie clip in the parameter mc a mask that reveals the calling movie clip.
setMilliseconds(millisecond:Number) — Method in class Date
Sets the milliseconds for the specified Date object according to local time and returns the new time in milliseconds.
setMinutes(minute:Number) — Method in class Date
Sets the minutes for a specified Date object according to local time and returns the new time in milliseconds.
setMode([width:Number], [height:Number], [fps:Number], [favorArea:Boolean]) — Method in class Camera
Sets the camera capture mode to the native mode that best meets the specified requirements.
setMonth(month:Number, [date:Number]) — Method in class Date
Sets the month for the specified Date object in local time and returns the new time in milliseconds.
setMotionLevel([motionLevel:Number], [timeOut:Number]) — Method in class Camera
Specifies how much motion is required to invoke Camera.onActivity(true).
setNewTextFormat(tf:TextFormat) — Method in class TextField
Sets the default new text format of a text field.
setPan(value:Number) — Method in class Sound
Determines how the sound is played in the left and right channels (speakers).
setPixel(x:Number, y:Number, color:Number) — Method in class flash.display.BitmapData
Sets the color of a single pixel of a BitmapData object.
setPixel32(x:Number, y:Number, color:Number) — Method in class flash.display.BitmapData
Sets the color and alpha transparency values of a single pixel of a BitmapData object.
setProperty(target:Object, property:Object, expression:Object) — Global function
Changes a property value of a movie clip as the movie clip plays.
setQuality([bandwidth:Number], [quality:Number]) — Method in class Camera
Sets the maximum amount of bandwidth per second or the required picture quality of the current outgoing video feed.
setRate(rate:Number) — Method in class Microphone
Sets the rate, in kHz, at which the microphone should capture sound.
setRGB(offset:Number) — Method in class Color
Deprecated. The Color class is deprecated as of Flash Player 8.
setSeconds(second:Number) — Method in class Date
Sets the seconds for the specified Date object in local time and returns the new time in milliseconds.
setSelectColor(color:Number) — Method in class TextSnapshot
Specifies the color to use when highlighting characters that were selected with the TextSnapshot.setSelected() method.
setSelected(start:Number, end:Number, select:Boolean) — Method in class TextSnapshot
Specifies a range of characters in a TextSnapshot object to be selected or not.
setSelection(beginIndex:Number, endIndex:Number) — Static method in class Selection
Sets the selection span of the currently focused text field.
setSilenceLevel(silenceLevel:Number, [timeOut:Number]) — Method in class Microphone
Sets the minimum input level that should be considered sound and (optionally) the amount of silent time signifying that silence has actually begun.
setString(stringID:String, languageCode:String, stringValue:String) — Static method in class mx.lang.Locale
Sets the new string value of a given string ID and language code.
setStyle(name:String, style:Object) — Method in class TextField.StyleSheet
Adds a new style with the specified name to the StyleSheet object.
setTextFormat([beginIndex:Number], [endIndex:Number], textFormat:TextFormat) — Method in class TextField
Applies the text formatting specified by the textFormat parameter to some or all of the text in a text field.
setTime(millisecond:Number) — Method in class Date
Sets the date for the specified Date object in milliseconds since midnight on January 1, 1970, and returns the new time in milliseconds.
setTimeout(functionReference:Object, delay:Number, args:Object) — Global function
Runs a specified function after a specified delay (in milliseconds).
setTransform(transformObject:Object) — Method in class Color
Deprecated. The Color class is deprecated as of Flash Player 8.
setTransform(transformObject:Object) — Method in class Sound
Sets the sound transform (or balance) information, for a Sound object.
setUseEchoSuppression(useEchoSuppression:Boolean) — Method in class Microphone
Specifies whether to use the echo suppression feature of the audio codec.
setUTCDate(date:Number) — Method in class Date
Sets the date for the specified Date object in universal time and returns the new time in milliseconds.
setUTCFullYear(year:Number, [month:Number], [date:Number]) — Method in class Date
Sets the year for the specified Date object (my_date) in universal time and returns the new time in milliseconds.
setUTCHours(hour:Number, [minute:Number], [second:Number], [millisecond:Number]) — Method in class Date
Sets the hour for the specified Date object in universal time and returns the new time in milliseconds.
setUTCMilliseconds(millisecond:Number) — Method in class Date
Sets the milliseconds for the specified Date object in universal time and returns the new time in milliseconds.
setUTCMinutes(minute:Number, [second:Number], [millisecond:Number]) — Method in class Date
Sets the minute for the specified Date object in universal time and returns the new time in milliseconds.
setUTCMonth(month:Number, [date:Number]) — Method in class Date
Sets the month, and optionally the day, for the specified Date object in universal time and returns the new time in milliseconds.
setUTCSeconds(second:Number, [millisecond:Number]) — Method in class Date
Sets the seconds for the specified Date object in universal time and returns the new time in milliseconds.
set variable — Statement
Assigns a value to a variable.
setVolume(value:Number) — Method in class Sound
Sets the volume for the Sound object.
setYear(year:Number) — Method in class Date
Sets the year for the specified Date object in local time and returns the new time in milliseconds.
shadowAlpha — Property in class flash.filters.BevelFilter
The alpha transparency value of the shadow color.
shadowColor — Property in class flash.filters.BevelFilter
The shadow color of the bevel.
SharedObject — Dynamic class in Top Level
The SharedObject class is used to read and store limited amounts of data on a user's computer.
sharpness — Property in class TextField
The sharpness of the glyph edges in this TextField instance.
shift() — Method in class Array
Removes the first element from an array and returns that element.
SHIFT — Constant static property in class Key
The key code value for the Shift key (16).
show() — Static method in class Mouse
Displays the mouse pointer in a SWF file.
showMenu — Static property in class Stage
Specifies whether to show or hide the default items in the Flash Player context menu.
showRedrawRegions(enable:Boolean, [color:Number]) — Global function
Provides the ability for the debugger player to outline the regions of the screen that are being redrawn.
showSettings([tabID:Number]) — Static method in class System
Shows the specified Flash Player Settings panel.
silenceLevel — Property in class Microphone
An integer that specifies the amount of sound required to activate the microphone and invoke Microphone.onActivity(true).
silenceTimeOut — Property in class Microphone
A numeric value representing the number of milliseconds between the time the microphone stops detecting sound and the time Microphone.onActivity(false) is invoked.
sin(x:Number) — Static method in class Math
Computes and returns the sine of the specified angle in radians.
size — Property in class TextFormat
The point size of text in this text format.
size — Property in class flash.geom.Rectangle
The size of the Rectangle object, expressed as a Point object with the values of the width and height properties.
size — Property in class
The size of the file on the local disk, in bytes.
slice([startIndex:Number], [endIndex:Number]) — Method in class Array
Returns a new array that consists of a range of elements from the original array, without modifying the original array.
slice(start:Number, end:Number) — Method in class String
Returns a string that includes the start character and all characters up to, but not including, the end character.
smoothing — Property in class Video
Specifies whether the video should be smoothed (interpolated) when it is scaled.
sort([compareFunction:Object], [options:Number]) — Method in class Array
Sorts the elements in an array.
sortOn(fieldName:Object, [options:Object]) — Method in class Array
Sorts the elements in an array according to one or more fields in the array.
Sound — Class in Top Level
The Sound class lets you control sound in a movie.
Sound([target:Object]) — Constructor in class Sound
Creates a new Sound object for a specified movie clip.
_soundbuftime — Property in class Button
The property that specifies the number of seconds a sound prebuffers before it starts to stream.
_soundbuftime — Global property
Establishes the number of seconds of streaming sound to buffer.
_soundbuftime — Property in class MovieClip
Specifies the number of seconds a sound prebuffers before it starts to stream.
_soundbuftime — Property in class TextField
The number of seconds a sound prebuffers before it starts to stream.
SPACE — Constant static property in class Key
The key code value for the Spacebar (32).
splice(startIndex:Number, [deleteCount:Number], [value:Object]) — Method in class Array
Adds elements to and removes elements from an array.
split(delimiter:String, [limit:Number]) — Method in class String
Splits a String object into substrings by breaking it wherever the specified delimiter parameter occurs and returns the substrings in an array.
sqrt(x:Number) — Static method in class Math
Computes and returns the square root of the specified number.
SQRT1_2 — Constant static property in class Math
A mathematical constant for the square root of one-half, with an approximate value of 0.7071067811865476.
SQRT2 — Constant static property in class Math
A mathematical constant for the square root of 2, with an approximate value of 1.4142135623730951.
Stage — Class in Top Level
The Stage class is a top-level class whose methods, properties, and handlers you can access without using a constructor.
start() — Method in class PrintJob
Displays the operating system's print dialog boxes and starts spooling.
start([secondOffset:Number], [loops:Number]) — Method in class Sound
Starts playing the last attached sound from the beginning if no parameter is specified, or starting at the point in the sound specified by the secondOffset parameter.
startDrag(target:Object, [lock:Boolean], [left,top,right,bottom:Number]) — Global function
Makes the target movie clip draggable while the movie plays.
startDrag([lockCenter:Boolean], [left:Number], [top:Number], [right:Number], [bottom:Number]) — Method in class MovieClip
Lets the user drag the specified movie clip.
static — Statement
Specifies that a variable or function is created only once per class rather than being created in every object based on that class.
status — Property in class XML
Automatically sets and returns a numeric value that indicates whether an XML document was successfully parsed into an XML object.
stop() — Global function
Stops the SWF file that is currently playing.
stop() — Method in class MovieClip
Stops the movie clip that is currently playing.
stop([linkageID:String]) — Method in class Sound
Stops all sounds currently playing if no parameter is specified, or just the sound specified in the idName parameter.
stopAllSounds() — Global function
Stops all sounds currently playing in a SWF file without stopping the playhead.
stopDrag() — Global function
Stops the current drag operation.
stopDrag() — Method in class MovieClip
Ends a MovieClip.startDrag() method.
strength — Property in class flash.filters.BevelFilter
The strength of the imprint or spread.
strength — Property in class flash.filters.DropShadowFilter
The strength of the imprint or spread.
strength — Property in class flash.filters.GlowFilter
The strength of the imprint or spread.
strength — Property in class flash.filters.GradientBevelFilter
The strength of the imprint or spread.
strength — Property in class flash.filters.GradientGlowFilter
The strength of the imprint or spread.
String — Class in Top Level
The String class is a wrapper for the string primitive data type, and provides methods and properties that let you manipulate primitive string value types.
String(expression:Object) — Global function
Returns a string representation of the specified parameter.
String(value:String) — Constructor in class String
Creates a new String object.
stringIDArray — Static property in class mx.lang.Locale
An array containing all the string IDs in the FLA file.
styleSheet — Property in class TextField
Attaches a style sheet to the text field.
StyleSheet — Class in package TextField
The StyleSheet class lets you create a StyleSheet object that contains text formatting rules for font size, color, and other styles.
StyleSheet() — Constructor in class TextField.StyleSheet
Creates a StyleSheet object.
substr(start:Number, length:Number) — Method in class String
Returns the characters in a string from the index specified in the start parameter through the number of characters specified in the length parameter.
substring(string:String, index:Number, count:Number) — Global function
Deprecated since Flash Player 5 — This function was deprecated in favor of String.substr().
substring(start:Number, end:Number) — Method in class String
Returns a string comprising the characters between the points specified by the start and end parameters.
subtract(v:Point) — Method in class flash.geom.Point
Subtracts the coordinates of another point from the coordinates of this point to create a new point.
super — Statement
Invokes the superclass' version of a method or constructor.
swapDepths(target:Object) — Method in class MovieClip
Swaps the stacking, or depth level (z-order), of this movie clip with the movie clip that is specified by the target parameter, or with the movie clip that currently occupies the depth level that is specified in the target parameter.
switch — Statement
Creates a branching structure for ActionScript statements.
System — Class in Top Level
The System class contains properties related to certain operations that take place on the user's computer, such as operations with shared objects, local settings for cameras and microphones, and use of the Clipboard.